80+ Self-Care Ideas

In light of the death of Robin Williams, it’s a good time to remember that we all need to practice self-compassion. Wonderful things happen when you cut yourself some slack. If the coverage is overwhelming for you and you’re afraid that it might trigger something, turn off the TV, get off of social media and do whatever you need to do to get yourself back to center.

I do many of these things when I feel overwhelmed or feel anxious or feel depressed. It’s not a waste of time, nor is it selfish. YOU matter and how you are feeling matters. You have every right to do what you need to do to make yourself feel better in a healthy way.

The Self-Compassion Project

277221852_476e8916f0_zI just started a two-week online class on self-care. One of our first exercises was to brainstorm ideas for self-care. Here is an amazing list. Feel free to add any  other ideas in the comment section.

Maybe we can get the list up to 100!

going for a photo walk

going to the forest

a bath at the end of the day

going for bike rides

finding overgrown grass and putting my bare feet and it

lying in the grass on the hill and staring up at the sky

cooking a meal for myself and being really present

getting up early and reading inspirational books


walking with my dogs


going places–getting a change of scenery

trying new things in general

guided meditation

listening to books and music

face-to-face conversations with people

gratitude journal

better diet

trying to live more authentically

not skipping sleep to get things done

trying to…

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